Monday, 11 December 2017

Editable ALV Report

We can edit an ALV report on the screen and then we can download it as per requirement.
Here we are discussing about two ways to edit an ALV report.
1.       The first way is to use the field catalog manually and there we can active the EDIT 
field of field catalog. In this way we can manually select the fields which need to be edited. 
The statement is as follows.

    lv_col            = 1 + lv_col.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'CURRCODE'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_SCARR'.
    wa_fcat-edit      = 'X'.               "Editable field
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Local currency of airline'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

2.       Second way is to active the EDIT field of layout. This way gets the whole report editable.
 We can edit each and every field. Statement is as follows.

  wa_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
  wa_layout-edit = 'X'"This activation will let all fields editable

In the following example we have demonstrated the first approach where we are manually using 
the editable fields by field catalog.


TABLES scarr.

DATA: wa_title TYPE lvc_title VALUE 'Editable ALV Report',
      "This will show the report title

      it_scarr TYPE TABLE OF scarr,

      wa_fcat  TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
      it_fcat  TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,

      wa_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv,

      wa_top    TYPE slis_listheader,
      it_top    TYPE slis_t_listheader.

  SELECT-OPTIONS s_carrid FOR scarr-carrid.

START-OF-SELECTION.  PERFORM get_flight.      "Get data from database table
  PERFORM field_catalog.   "Creating the field catalog manually
  PERFORM layout.          "Creating the layout
  PERFORM alv_grid_display."ALV grid output

TOP-OF-PAGE.  PERFORM top_of_page.       "Top of page of editable ALV

*&      Form  get_flight
*       Get data from database table
FORM get_flight .

  IF s_carrid[] IS NOT INITIAL.
    SELECT * FROM scarr INTO TABLE it_scarr
      WHERE carrid IN s_carrid.

    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      SORT it_scarr.

ENDFORM.                    " get_flight
*&      Form  field_catalog
*       Creating the field catalog manually
FORM field_catalog .

  DATA lv_col TYPE i VALUE 0.

  IF it_scarr IS NOT INITIAL.
    lv_col            = 1 + lv_col.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'CARRID'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_SCARR'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Airline Code'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    lv_col            = 1 + lv_col.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'CARRNAME'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_SCARR'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Airline Name'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    lv_col            = 1 + lv_col.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'CURRCODE'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_SCARR'.
    wa_fcat-edit      = 'X'.               "Editable field
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Local currency of airline'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    lv_col            = 1 + lv_col.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'URL'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_SCARR'.
    wa_fcat-edit      = 'X'.               "Editable field
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Airline URL'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

ENDFORM.                    " field_catalog
*&      Form  layout
*       Creating the layout
FORM layout .

  wa_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
  wa_layout-zebra = 'X'.

ENDFORM.                    " layout
*&      Form  alv_grid_display
*       ALV grid output
FORM alv_grid_display .

  IF it_fcat IS NOT INITIAL.
        i_callback_program     = sy-repid
        i_callback_top_of_page = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'
        i_grid_title           = wa_title
        is_layout              = wa_layout
        it_fieldcat            = it_fcat
        t_outtab               = it_scarr
        program_error          = 1
        OTHERS                 = 2.

ENDFORM.                    " alv_grid_display

*&      Form  top_of_page
*       Top of page of editable ALV
FORM top_of_page.

  DATA date TYPE char10.

      date_internal            = sy-datum
      date_external            = date
      date_internal_is_invalid = 1
      OTHERS                   = 2.

  REFRESH it_top.

  wa_top-typ = 'H'.
  wa_top-info = 'Airline Information'.
  APPEND wa_top TO it_top.
  CLEAR wa_top.

  wa_top-typ = 'S'.
  wa_top-info = 'Date: '.
  CONCATENATE wa_top-info date INTO wa_top-info.
  APPEND wa_top TO it_top.
  CLEAR wa_top.

      it_list_commentary = it_top.

ENDFORM.                    "top_of_page

The output is as follows.

The basic output.

Now we can edit those two fields as per requirement.

Now we are using the second approach where we need to activate the EDIT field of layout.
With this approach the whole report will be editable.


TABLES scarr.

DATA: wa_title TYPE lvc_title VALUE 'Editable ALV Report',
      "This will show the report title

      it_scarr TYPE TABLE OF scarr, 

      it_fcat  TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,

      wa_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv,

      wa_top    TYPE slis_listheader,
      it_top    TYPE slis_t_listheader.

  SELECT-OPTIONS s_carrid FOR scarr-carrid.

START-OF-SELECTION.  PERFORM get_flight.      "Get data from database table
  PERFORM field_catalog.   "Creating the field catalog
  PERFORM layout.          "Creating the layout
  PERFORM alv_grid_display."ALV grid output

TOP-OF-PAGE.  PERFORM top_of_page.       "Top of page of editable ALV
*&      Form  get_flight
*       Get data from database table
FORM get_flight .

  IF s_carrid[] IS NOT INITIAL.
    SELECT * FROM scarr INTO TABLE it_scarr
      WHERE carrid IN s_carrid.

    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      SORT it_scarr.

ENDFORM.                    " get_flight
*&      Form  field_catalog
*       Creating the field catalog
FORM field_catalog .

  IF it_scarr IS NOT INITIAL.

    "Since the whole structure is involved, we use field catalog merge
    "to create the field catalog

        i_program_name         = sy-repid
        i_internal_tabname     = 'IT_SCARR'
        i_structure_name       = 'SCARR'
        ct_fieldcat            = it_fcat
        inconsistent_interface = 1
        program_error          = 2
        OTHERS                 = 3.

    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE 'Internal error of field catalog merge' TYPE 'I'.

ENDFORM.                    " field_catalog
*&      Form  layout
*       Creating the layout
FORM layout .

  wa_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
  wa_layout-edit = 'X'"This activation will let all fields editable

ENDFORM.                    " layout
*&      Form  alv_grid_display
*       ALV grid output
FORM alv_grid_display .

  IF it_fcat IS NOT INITIAL.
        i_callback_program     = sy-repid
        i_callback_top_of_page = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'
        i_grid_title           = wa_title
        is_layout              = wa_layout
        it_fieldcat            = it_fcat
        t_outtab               = it_scarr
        program_error          = 1
        OTHERS                 = 2.

ENDFORM.                    " alv_grid_display

*&      Form  top_of_page
*       Top of page of editable ALV
FORM top_of_page.

  DATA date TYPE char10.

      date_internal            = sy-datum
      date_external            = date
      date_internal_is_invalid = 1
      OTHERS                   = 2.

  REFRESH it_top.

  wa_top-typ = 'H'.
  wa_top-info = 'Airline Information'.
  APPEND wa_top TO it_top.
  CLEAR wa_top.

  wa_top-typ = 'S'.
  wa_top-info = 'Date: '.
  CONCATENATE wa_top-info date INTO wa_top-info.
  APPEND wa_top TO it_top.
  CLEAR wa_top.

      it_list_commentary = it_top.

ENDFORM.                    "top_of_page

Below is the output where we can see every field is available to edit.

We have edited one as per requirement.

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