The CHECK statement checks a condition first inside a loop. If the condition is true then rest of the statements inside that loop will be executed. If the condition is false then the program controller terminates the current loop pass and it will go to the next loop iteration. Hence the condition is the prerequisite of CHECK statement. No condition will lead the syntax error of the program. Outside of the loop CHECK will leave the current processing block of the program.
REPORT zabap_gui.
* Declaring the local structure of internal table
BEGIN OF ty_tab,
item TYPE char10,
quantity TYPE i,
price TYPE i,
END OF ty_tab.
* Declaring the Standard internal table with non unique key
wtab TYPE ty_tab.
* Entering records to each field
wtab-item = 'Rice'. wtab-quantity = 2. wtab-price = 80.
* Now one single row has been fulfilled with data
* Next appending one single row data into the table
APPEND wtab TO itab.
wtab-item = 'Sugar'. wtab-quantity = 1. wtab-price = 90.
APPEND wtab TO itab.
wtab-item = 'Tea'. wtab-quantity = 1. wtab-price = 100.
APPEND wtab TO itab.
wtab-item = 'Rice'. wtab-quantity = 3. wtab-price = 150.
APPEND wtab TO itab.
wtab-item = 'Horlicks'. wtab-quantity = 1. wtab-price = 200.
APPEND wtab TO itab.
wtab-item = 'Sugar'. wtab-quantity = 2. wtab-price = 70.
APPEND wtab TO itab.
* Sorting the itab by item.
SORT itab BY item.
WRITE: /3 'Item',
13 'Quantity(KG)',
28 'Price(Rs)'.
WRITE / '=========================================='.
SKIP. " Skipping one single line
LOOP AT itab INTO wtab.
* If the condition is true then it will execute further statements
* If CHECK condition is false then it will move to the next iteration of loop
CHECK wtab-item = 'Rice'.
WRITE: /3 wtab-item,
12 wtab-quantity,
25 wtab-price.
CLEAR wtab.
WRITE '=========================================='.
* Declaring the local structure of internal table
BEGIN OF ty_tab,
item TYPE char10,
quantity TYPE i,
price TYPE i,
END OF ty_tab.
* Declaring the Standard internal table with non unique key
wtab TYPE ty_tab.
* Entering records to each field
wtab-item = 'Rice'. wtab-quantity = 2. wtab-price = 80.
* Now one single row has been fulfilled with data
* Next appending one single row data into the table
APPEND wtab TO itab.
wtab-item = 'Sugar'. wtab-quantity = 1. wtab-price = 90.
APPEND wtab TO itab.
wtab-item = 'Tea'. wtab-quantity = 1. wtab-price = 100.
APPEND wtab TO itab.
wtab-item = 'Rice'. wtab-quantity = 3. wtab-price = 150.
APPEND wtab TO itab.
wtab-item = 'Horlicks'. wtab-quantity = 1. wtab-price = 200.
APPEND wtab TO itab.
wtab-item = 'Sugar'. wtab-quantity = 2. wtab-price = 70.
APPEND wtab TO itab.
* Sorting the itab by item.
SORT itab BY item.
WRITE: /3 'Item',
13 'Quantity(KG)',
28 'Price(Rs)'.
WRITE / '=========================================='.
SKIP. " Skipping one single line
LOOP AT itab INTO wtab.
* If the condition is true then it will execute further statements
* If CHECK condition is false then it will move to the next iteration of loop
CHECK wtab-item = 'Rice'.
WRITE: /3 wtab-item,
12 wtab-quantity,
25 wtab-price.
CLEAR wtab.
WRITE '=========================================='.
Whenever the check condition finds Rice item it goes to the rest of the statements of current loop. If the condition finds false (other than Rice) it leaves the current loop iteration and goes to the next loop pass.
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