Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Control Break - AT END OF Statement

AT END OF statement always triggers when there is any change of fields’ data. This statement triggers at the last occurrence of that value. Let’s take an example. We have a table MARD which contains material, plant & storage location. Now we want to trigger AT END OF at the last occurrence of plant data as follows.

As we can see that the statement triggers at the last occurrence of plant data.


TYPE mard-werks,
TYPE mard-matnr,
TYPE mard-lgort,
END OF ty_tab.

DATA: wtab TYPE ty_tab,


SELECT matnr werks lgort

SORT itab BY werks.

WRITE: / 'Material Number'20 'Plant'27 'Storage Location'.

LOOP AT itab INTO wtab.
WRITE: / wtab-matnr, 20 wtab-werks, 27 wtab-lgort.

AT END OF werks.
WRITE'=== At End Of plant - triggers at line ', sy-tabix.

Here we have shifted the plant (WERKS) at field 1 in structure level. Otherwise system will consider material & plant both as a key. Because the AT END OF will trigger if there is any change from left most field to the particular field.

Now we want to see at the debugging level of AT END OF statement. On second line it has triggered because that is the last occurrence of plant 1200. SY-TABIX = 2. For the rest of the rows system will skip the AT END OF statement.

Similarly it has triggered at last occurrence of plant 3000. SY-TABIX = 15.

There is only one entry for plant 7500. So it triggers at the next loop iteration. SY-TABIX = 16.

At the last of the table record AT END OF triggers. Here the plant occurrence & table data both are of last entry.

The output is as follows:

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