Thursday, 7 December 2017

Classical Report of Multiple Tables(programing)

After creating a classic report for single table it's time to create a report which will contain multiple
tables. Here we shall fetch various records from various tables and then collate them to reach
required output.

We have created a report which contains multiple tables like MARA, MARC and MARD.
The materials contain different Plant and Storage Location in MARC and MARD tables
respectively. All those different plant and storage location will be displayed with material
number in output here.

Here the plant is a big item and the storage location is small item. One single plant
contains different storage locations. Materials are stored inside one of these storage
ocations. Now different materials can be stored in the same storage location.

In the program we have prepared internal table it_mara from MARA table based on the
Select Option material number range. If material number is entered then only the program
will give an output.

After preparing valid information of it_mara the program selects data from MARC (plant)
table into it_marc for all entries in it_mara. Here we have to check the it_mara table if
it is not initial. If we don't give this checking then all records will be selected from
MARC table and that would be wrong. Hence we can say that this table checking is one
of a prerequisites of For All Entries.

Similarly after preparing the it_marc table we shall prepare the it_mard table from
MARD (storage location) for all entries in it_marc. Similarly the table checking of it_marc
must be there.

Now we have material (it_mara), plant (it_marc) & storage location (it_mard)
information. We have to collate all these information to display the required output.
To do this we have prepared an internal table it_out with an work area wa_out.
This internal table & work area contains the structure ty_out as per the report output

Now we are looping it_mara to fetch material & type into the output work area. Here
MARA is a master table hence we have to loop this table. Now one material can be
maintained for different storage locations under one plant or different plant. Hence
to populate output table we have to loop into it_marc and it_mard table. Here
we are looping it_marc and it_mard with WHERE clause because we are going
to fetch all records of plant and storage location at one time. So where clause will
help us to point out the particular material and also will increase the performance.

Finally at the output population we have used control break statement like AT FIRST,
AT END OF, AT LAST. With the help of that we have synchronized the output in different

Following is the coding of the classical report.

REPORT  zabap_gui.

*-------Declaring the line type of database tables---------------------*
TABLES: mara, marc, mard.

*------Declaring the types of work areas & internal tables-------------*
        matnr TYPE mara-matnr,
        mtart TYPE mara-mtart,
       END OF ty_mara,

       BEGIN OF ty_marc,
         matnr TYPE marc-matnr,
         werks TYPE marc-werks,
         xchar TYPE marc-xchar,
       END OF ty_marc,

       BEGIN OF ty_mard,
         matnr TYPE mard-matnr,
         werks TYPE mard-werks,
         lgort TYPE mard-lgort,
         pstat TYPE mard-pstat,
       END OF ty_mard,

       BEGIN OF ty_out,
         matnr TYPE marc-matnr, "Material
         werks TYPE marc-werks, "Plant
         lgort TYPE mard-lgort, "Storage Location
         mtart TYPE mara-mtart, "Material Type
         xchar TYPE marc-xchar, "Batch number
         pstat TYPE mard-pstat, "Maintenance Status
       END OF ty_out.

*-----Declaring work areas & internal tables---------------------------*
DATA: wa_mara TYPE ty_mara,
      wa_marc TYPE ty_marc,
      wa_mard TYPE ty_mard,
      wa_out  TYPE ty_out,
      it_mara TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_mara,
      it_marc TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_marc,
      it_mard TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_mard,
      it_out  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_out,

      v_prog TYPE sy-repid, "Program name
      v_date TYPE sy-datum, "Current date
      v_time TYPE sy-uzeit. "Current time

*----------Declaring constants to avoid the hard codes-----------------*
           c_plant    TYPE char5  VALUE 'PLANT',
           c_storage  TYPE char8  VALUE 'STORAGE',
           c_type     TYPE char6  VALUE 'M TYPE',
           c_batch    TYPE char6  VALUE 'BATCH',
           c_maint    TYPE char18 VALUE 'MAINTENANCE STATUS',
           c_end      TYPE char40 VALUE 'End of Material Details'.

*------Event initialization--------------------------------------------*
  v_prog = sy-repid.
  v_date = sy-datum.
  v_time = sy-uzeit.

*-----------Declaring selection screen with select option for input----*
  SELECT-OPTIONS: s_matnr FOR mara-matnr.

*-----Event start of selection-----------------------------------------*
  PERFORM get_marc.
  PERFORM get_mard.

*---Event end of selection---------------------------------------------*
  PERFORM display.

*---Event top of page--------------------------------------------------*
TOP-OF-PAGE.  PERFORM top_of_page.

*&      Form  GET_MARA
*       Select data from MARA table
FORM get_mara .

  IF s_matnr IS NOT INITIAL.
    SELECT matnr mtart
      FROM mara INTO TABLE it_mara
      WHERE matnr IN s_matnr.

    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      SORT it_mara BY matnr.
      MESSAGE 'Material doesn''t exist' TYPE 'I'.

ENDFORM.                    " GET_MARA
*&      Form  GET_MARC
*       Select data from MARC table
FORM get_marc .

  IF it_mara IS NOT INITIAL"Prerequisite of FOR ALL ENTRIES IN
    SELECT matnr werks xchar
      FROM marc INTO TABLE it_marc
      FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_mara
      WHERE matnr = it_mara-matnr.

    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      SORT it_marc BY matnr.
      MESSAGE 'Plant doesn''t exist' TYPE 'I'.

ENDFORM.                    " GET_MARC
*&      Form  GET_MARD
*       Select data from MARD table
FORM get_mard .

  IF it_marc IS NOT INITIAL"Prerequisite of FOR ALL ENTRIES IN
    SELECT matnr werks lgort pstat
      FROM mard INTO TABLE it_mard
      FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_marc
      WHERE matnr = it_marc-matnr
        AND werks = it_marc-werks.

    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      SORT it_mard BY matnr.
      MESSAGE 'Storage Location doesn''t exist' TYPE 'I'.

ENDFORM.                    " GET_MARD
*&      Form  GET_OUTPUT
*       Preparing the output table by using Loop
FORM get_output .

  IF it_mara IS NOT INITIAL.
    LOOP AT it_mara INTO wa_mara.
      wa_out-matnr = wa_mara-matnr.
      wa_out-mtart = wa_mara-mtart.

      LOOP AT it_marc INTO wa_marc
        WHERE matnr = wa_mara-matnr.
        wa_out-werks = wa_marc-werks.
        wa_out-xchar = wa_marc-xchar.

        LOOP AT it_mard INTO wa_mard
          WHERE matnr = wa_marc-matnr
            AND werks = wa_marc-werks.
          wa_out-lgort = wa_mard-lgort.
          wa_out-pstat = wa_mard-pstat.

          APPEND wa_out TO it_out.
          CLEAR: wa_out, wa_mara, wa_marc, wa_mard.

ENDFORM.                    " GET_OUTPUT
*&      Form  DISPLAY
*       Displaying the classical output by using WRITE statement
FORM display .

    LOOP AT it_out INTO wa_out.

      AT FIRST"Control break statement – display one time at first
        WRITE: /  c_material,
               21 c_plant,
               27 c_storage,
               37 c_type,
               45 c_batch,
               54 c_maint.

      WRITE: /  wa_out-matnr,
             21 wa_out-werks,
             27 wa_out-lgort,
             37 wa_out-mtart,
             45 wa_out-xchar,
             54 wa_out-pstat.

      IF wa_out-matnr IS INITIAL.
        AT END OF matnr. "Control break statement

      AT LAST"Control break statement – display one time at last
        WRITE: / c_end.

ENDFORM.                    " DISPLAY
*&      Form  TOP_OF_PAGE
*       Top of page of Classical output
FORM top_of_page .

  WRITE: / v_prog,
         / v_date DD/MM/YYYY,
         / v_time.

ENDFORM.                    " TOP_OF_PAGE


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